Every little gift comes from the Lord. And oftentimes, these special moments are rare and do come only once in a lifetime.
We believe that photographs transport you back in time and help you cherish again all the emotions that you felt that very special day.
Every person and every family has a story to tell. Photos are not supposed to be just pictures of beautiful details, gorgeous backdrops and subjects. Photos are meant to tell stories of real people. That is why I love getting to know different people and hear out their unique stories.
We all can learn something from each other. Every one of us walked different paths since we were born. And every experience we went
through will definitely help other people who are also going through that same path.
I believe that sharing these experiences can help make the world a little brighter.
Sed lacinia luctus quam, ut vehicula ligula mollis eget. Curabitur velit orci, feugiat hendrerit urna non, pharetra rhoncus enim. Praesent congue mollis orci porttitor porta. Nulla ac maximus nisi. Duis ullamcorper non magna vitae sagittis.
Irene Jacobs
To bring more happiness and love in every family through photographs.
Sed rutrum purus mauris, ut elementum lorem fermentum sollicitudin.
Sed faucibus facilisis velit, vel gravida tortor aliquet vitae. Aliquam laoreet magna non tempus luctus.
Phasellus augue leo.
We shoot all kinds of events from birthday parties, family portraits and maternity shoots. We have also done corporate shoots for their marketing materials.
I love taking photos and I actually started learning the basics of photography when I already graduated from college.
My favorite subjects were children because I just love how they smile like they have no worries for tomorrow.
Duis auctor scelerisque nibh suscipit sagittis. Aliquam venenatis massa nulla, eget
interdum mauris feugiat ac. Quisque iaculis magna quis fermentum mollis. Nam aliquet lobortis sapien vitae
mattis. Nullam posuere malesuada varius. Pellentesque a est molestie, consequat eros vitae, aliquet urna.